I'm taking a stand.
Today, New Boo wants to come by and get his clothes. He said he was coming this afternoon, but when I asked him about it, he said he wanted to come later. When I asked him why, he said he was suffering from a hangover.
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. His drinking -- among other things -- has contributed to the foolishness that has left him lost. Oh...and now I know that he was drunk when he said that mess.
I'm tired. And I realize that he doesn't really care about getting better or making moves toward being with me again. He just wants to do what he wants to do...and I can't allow myself to get sucked in again.
I love him. That's not going to change anytime soon.
But I love me, too. I can't knowingly subject myself to pain and heartache if I don't have to.
So I told him that yes, he can get some clothes. But spending the night is out because it does nothing but confuse me and my heart. And since he's letting me know that improvement isn't on his mind, he's going to have to go back to wherever he's staying.
I'm trying to take a stand...
But I'm crying as I say it...
Let's just hope I really can stand my ground when and/or if he gets here.