Gay marriage is the law of the land.
I don't know how I should react to that.
On one hand, I am a Christian. The Bible's pretty clear on homosexuality and how God feels about it. That's not going to change. It also talks about fornication, adultery, lying, and a plethora of other sins that God hates.
On the other hand, I am a human. And guess what? I'm not perfect. I may not be gay, but I'm guilty of quite a few of the other sins that God doesn't like.
And for the record, my feelings on homosexuality in general are this -- I don't think that your whole life should be defined by who you choose to sleep with. Also, if I'm not the chosen one, I really don't care about your bedroom behavior.
Now, my feelings on gay marriage...
It's the law of the land. I'm not required to participate in it. And guess what? If you do, I'm not going to love you any less.
Bottom line -- live and let live. And understand that if something is wrong, it's not up to you to deal with it. Your job is to love regardless.
The End.