The inevitable is about to happen. I'm going to break up with My Teddy Bear. It's been a long time coming, but it's time. And honestly, it's not like when I broke up with RIP. Even though he went off the deep end, it was that plus my budding feelings for New Boo that caused me to let him go. No, this time, it's not because of New Boo. NB is fun, but I already know that he's a dead-end street. This time, I'm letting MTB go because he deserves better. He deserves to be with someone who can and will love him as he is. Someone who'll see all the wonderfulness that he possesses. I see it, but I can't access it to my satisfaction. And I'm unhappy with him. I don't want to be, but I am. And no matter how hard I try, I don't see it in the cards for us. I just hope that we can both come out intact when everything is said and done.
Sometimes a girl needs to get her thoughts on paper so she can see what's really going on.