"Now that you've been with New Boo for a while, you've got to train him..." That's what one of my girlfriends told me during a conversation about my love. She said that once you've dated a guy a while, you have to train him to be the way you want him to be. Huh? Train? Call me crazy, but the only creatures that need to be trained by me are children and animals. And New Boo is neither. He's a man. Not necessarily perfect, but way better than most. Honestly, I don't need anyone I need to train. I want a fully formed person. In my friend's defense, she prefaced her statement with, "I'm no expert on relationships." It should also be said that she's not the first woman to mention "training" to me. What IS interesting to me is that both women that mentioned it to me are completely single. I love New Boo just the way he is. We spent our first Christmas together. I gave him a few things I thought he'd like, and he ...
Sometimes a girl needs to get her thoughts on paper so she can see what's really going on.