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Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave...

Unless you've been under a rock -- or too preoccupied with Hurricane Gustav -- you've heard about the Sarah Palin scandal. To catch you up, John McCain's 44-year-old vice presidential choice and the mother of five is about to become a grandmother, thanks to her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol. It seems that "Pistol Bristol" is about five months pregnant and scheduled to marry her 18-year-old boyfriend. According to a statement from Todd and Sarah Palin that was released by the McCain campaign, Bristol, "came to us with news that we as parents knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned" and that their daughter "has our unconditional love and support. We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi's privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates."

In addition, there are several rumors circulating that Trig, Sarah's youngest child, is really Bristol's baby.

Normally, I wouldn't care about Palin or her family situation. That same scene has been played out in several million homes over the years, and I don't think it's the end of the world as we know it. If I had a dollar for every teen mother I knew, I'd be a millionaire.

What I am concerned about is Palin's ability to lead. This woman believes that sex education isn't a viable option. Instead, she preaches "abstinence only." Unfortunately, her daughter decided to take the road most traveled by today's teens. Now I'm not stupid or naive enough to blame Sarah for Bristol's mistakes. We all know that teens will do what teens want to do. However, I think it says a lot about her intelligence about the world if she didn't see this coming. Was she too busy as the governor of Alaska to make sure her daughter wasn't going down the primrose path to sin and degradation?

Which brings me to my next point -- Mrs. Palin has a special needs baby. Does she honestly think she's going to be able to fulfill her duties as a vice-presidential candidate AND deal with that child? She's out of her mind if she thinks she can do it all. I'm sure superwomen all over the world may disagree with me, but so be it.

America's Newest Hockey Mom has been the mayor of a small town in Alaska and the governor of that state. Yet her operatives claim that she has more "executive experience" than Obama and Biden combined. These same operatives can't answer any direct questions on Palin's experience or readiness to take over the reigns of the country should John McCain succumb to the cancer which has tried to take him out at least four times before.

What really makes me mad is that they're not holding America's Newest Hockey Mom to the same standards they've tried to hold Barack Obama to. They would like for us to believe that because they say she's a viable option, we should just believe it. Newsflash -- while there's definitely a contingency of the terminally stupid, quite a few of us have working brains.


Anonymous said…
At first I had a great respect for this woman and thought that we just had differnce in values, which was fine. But after that speech last night, she make me perpetually nauseous. God Bless America.
MackDiva said…
I agree, Phyafly. I'm completely sickened by her existence in national politics.

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