Today makes three months since New Boo and I broke up. Here's what's going on...
He and I aren't really speaking.
Tinderfella is quietly making his way to the sidelines.
I am getting better.
I have to admit that yesterday was hard. I was with my friend as she started her online journey to find love. As we looked for a suitable profile picture that would show her beauty and character in one fell swoop, we ran across a picture that she took on her phone during a photo shoot. As we tried to figure out the date, I realized it was taken on a night when I'd asked him to come home. The last time I asked him to come home before we broke up. I couldn't stop myself from crying as I remembered how hurt I was that evening.
She couldn't understand the source of my tears. Honestly, I don't know if she ever understands when I cry over him.
Anyway, that started me on a downward spiral that was further acerbated by a call from a common friend of mine, hers, and formerly New Boo's. She won't call him a friend anymore because of all the foolishness he pulled.
The conversation actually started out via text, and when I told her I'd heard from him, she called. She told me, "Listen, the next time he calls, you call me and come over here. Don't be so available to him. Contrary to popular belief, people aren't always as busy as you think they are and they'll be more than willing to help you get past this thing with him." She went on to tell me that as smart, beautiful, and good-hearted as I am, I don't need to give him anymore room to use me.
You know I needed to hear all of that, right? And you KNOW it set off the water works in a major way. The ONLY thing that saved me from completely drowning was that we were sitting at a Starbucks in Harlem and I wasn't in the mood to be that transparent in public.
That call taught me one thing -- I'm not alone in this even though it feels like I am sometimes. And I needed to know that.
I'm trying to give myself permission to feel this thing the way I need to, but I feel like it gets worse when I do that. But if the saying that it gets darkest before the dawn is really true, the sun should be shining on this situation any day now.
He and I aren't really speaking.
Tinderfella is quietly making his way to the sidelines.
I am getting better.
I have to admit that yesterday was hard. I was with my friend as she started her online journey to find love. As we looked for a suitable profile picture that would show her beauty and character in one fell swoop, we ran across a picture that she took on her phone during a photo shoot. As we tried to figure out the date, I realized it was taken on a night when I'd asked him to come home. The last time I asked him to come home before we broke up. I couldn't stop myself from crying as I remembered how hurt I was that evening.
She couldn't understand the source of my tears. Honestly, I don't know if she ever understands when I cry over him.
Anyway, that started me on a downward spiral that was further acerbated by a call from a common friend of mine, hers, and formerly New Boo's. She won't call him a friend anymore because of all the foolishness he pulled.
The conversation actually started out via text, and when I told her I'd heard from him, she called. She told me, "Listen, the next time he calls, you call me and come over here. Don't be so available to him. Contrary to popular belief, people aren't always as busy as you think they are and they'll be more than willing to help you get past this thing with him." She went on to tell me that as smart, beautiful, and good-hearted as I am, I don't need to give him anymore room to use me.
You know I needed to hear all of that, right? And you KNOW it set off the water works in a major way. The ONLY thing that saved me from completely drowning was that we were sitting at a Starbucks in Harlem and I wasn't in the mood to be that transparent in public.
That call taught me one thing -- I'm not alone in this even though it feels like I am sometimes. And I needed to know that.
I'm trying to give myself permission to feel this thing the way I need to, but I feel like it gets worse when I do that. But if the saying that it gets darkest before the dawn is really true, the sun should be shining on this situation any day now.