To block or not to block. That is the question.
There's a wonderful feature on my iPhone 6 that allows me to block out any caller that I don't want to hear from. No calls, no texts, no nothing. I can completely cut them out of my life with one selection on a touch screen.
I'm debating on doing that to New Boo.
To be clear, it's not like he's contacting me every day. He's not that concerned about what's going on with me. However, he'd like to reserve the right to contact me when HE wants to. That means that whenever I'm about to get back on track, or move to a place that would render him useless to me, he might hit me up and shatter my world again.
So why wouldn't I block him?
I wouldn't be able to contact him, either. I couldn't get phone calls or text messages from him. We would be more like strangers than ever, and we wouldn't be able to communicate. That would make me sad.
On the other hand, how does one move on without a complete severing of the relationship? There's no healing for the wound that's constantly picked at. Every time a scab forms, it's ripped off. That's no good for the wounded.
To block or not to block. That is my dilemma.
There's a wonderful feature on my iPhone 6 that allows me to block out any caller that I don't want to hear from. No calls, no texts, no nothing. I can completely cut them out of my life with one selection on a touch screen.
I'm debating on doing that to New Boo.
To be clear, it's not like he's contacting me every day. He's not that concerned about what's going on with me. However, he'd like to reserve the right to contact me when HE wants to. That means that whenever I'm about to get back on track, or move to a place that would render him useless to me, he might hit me up and shatter my world again.
So why wouldn't I block him?
I wouldn't be able to contact him, either. I couldn't get phone calls or text messages from him. We would be more like strangers than ever, and we wouldn't be able to communicate. That would make me sad.
On the other hand, how does one move on without a complete severing of the relationship? There's no healing for the wound that's constantly picked at. Every time a scab forms, it's ripped off. That's no good for the wounded.
To block or not to block. That is my dilemma.