New Boo has a new boo. My homegirl told me that his homeboy let it slip. I'm trying not to be upset, but I am. I guess what hurts me most is that I thought what we had was real. I thought he loved me like he said he did. If, in fact, he loved me at all, he couldn't move on this fast. Clearly we were in different relationships. Which means that while I'm devastated, he's moving on. I'm trying not to be upset, but I am. Here I am, mourning the loss of the best relationship ever. And clearly none of it was real for him. He just played the role long enough to get over on me. And the bad part is that I'm not the only one he bamboozled and hoodwinked. He lied to his friends, too. He told his former roommate that he couldn't pay him his back rent because he was paying bills at my house. He told me he couldn't help me out because he was paying bills at the other house. At the end of the day, he wasn't paying anyone but the barten...
Sometimes a girl needs to get her thoughts on paper so she can see what's really going on.